Learn the foundational steps on how to Edit Your Videos, LIKE A PRO, in 5 easy to follow steps. My video editing course was created for the Absolute Beginner. No knowledge and/or prior video editing experience is necessary to enroll in 60 Minute Video Editor.

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Your Course Instructor

I’ll be your personal mentor through 60 Minute Video Editor. My creative video production services are highly sought after, because of my ability to effectively bring my clients video visions to life. I know what it takes to shoot high quality cinematic videos, capture cinematic aerial drone shots, and creatively edit videos. The main reason I decided to create an online course is to inspire and encourage you with my story. Secondly, I noticed that there was a need for a clear and concise-video editing course designed for the absolute beginner. 60 Minute Video Editor is designed to evolve and grow with my students feedback and video lesson topic requests. 60 Minute Video Editor can be EASILY DIGESTED & UNDERSTOOD by ANYONE, NO MATTER your background or skill level. I’m here to help you avoid the COSTLY MISTAKES of the LEARNING CURVE, by OPENLY & TRANSPARENTLY sharing my knowledge and experience. My course will give you the real-world principles that can be applied IMMEDIATELY upon completion of my course. I believe if I can do it without film school or any formal training or any other formal training, you can do it as well!